


Property Land Projects offer the following solutions:

Unconditional purchases

A cash purchase for your land or property subject only to a sale contract and without the requirement of bank funding or exterior survey.

Conditional purchases

Option agreement

An option agreement provides the developer with the ability to spend time and resources on gaining a planning permission for development on either a fixed price or percentage of open market value basis. Typically a fee will be paid by the developer and a fixed amount of time is then given to gain a planning permission upon receipt of which the seller receives the value of the land.

Under an Option Agreement, the land owner typically gives a developer the right to buy the land, either at a fixed price or by reference to a formula (such as a percentage of market value). The developer will usually take on various obligations (such as to pursue planning permission) and may pay an option fee.

Subject to planning agreement/ Conditional contract

With a conditional contract the buyer agrees to buy the property/land subject to certain conditions being fulfilled. Once the conditions have been fulfilled they are obliged to buy the property/land.

Disposal Strategies

PLP assist sellers of land and can advise on the disposal of your asset by providing the experience of our track record and contact base to maximise the return on exit.

Joint Venture agreements

Promotion agreement

A land promotion agreement for use where a developer or land promoter agrees to: Apply for planning permission for a development on a landowner’s property. Market the property for sale on the open market once planning permission has been obtained.

A Promotion Agreement may contain similar obligations (such as to pursue planning permission), but does not give the developer the right to buy the land. Instead, the developer would be entitled to a percentage of the sale proceeds as and when the land is sold.

Split Equity agreement /Investment agreement

A landowner has a valuable asset and may wish to partner with us whereby we provide the expertise and finance to gain the necessary planning permission and develop the scheme as partner to the landowner.

An agreement for a split of the profits will be agreed in writing upfront.

Developers, Investors and House-builders

Property Land Projects offer the following solutions:

Site Introductions

Whether you are an established house-builder a developer wishing to grow your business or an investor seeking qualified opportunities PLP can advise and assist in the delivery of qualified opportunities across the Central Region and beyond.

Acquisition strategies

PLP advise and consult on land acquisition for a range of clients from private individuals to PLC house-builders. PLP’s contact base and track record of delivering sites demonstrates we are the ideal partner for any entity looking to acquire land for development.

Investor opportunities

PLP introduce unconditional and conditional purchases for property investors seeking opportunities to add value through the gaining of planning permissions with clearly defined exit strategies. Our contact base and reputation of delivery gives our clients the edge when planning a land investment.

Brokerage Services

Whether we introduce an opportunity to you or you have an opportunity you are aware of yourself, you will benefit from our experience and know how when brokering land acquisitions.

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